Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tomorrow's Dirge

I heard tomorrow’s dirge today,
and passed it through my ear
It was the blackest tone, to which
black shades could not compare
I was steadfast through crescendos
at the peak of day’s decrease,
but I shattered, when the eulogists
spun grayscale frequencies.

The mourners, suffering silently,
in consonance, and I
felt spirits quake beneath the ground,
and passion rock the sky
It was the tremors in the air
that brought me to my knees;
and brought to tears, when I witnessed
words that shook the seas.

Then the waves of black retreated
restfully in tune,
and I caught a passing chance to grieve
beneath a rosewhite moon
The words recapitulated
and then they came to cease,
and when I’d grieved sufficiently,
I knew their final peace.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

För Att (Because)

(Note: This is the first poem I've written in Swedish.)

Du är första, du är min
Vi gillar dricka för mycket vin
När du ber om två, jag ger tre
för att jag älskar dej.

English Translation:

You come first, you're mine
We like to drink too much wine
When you ask for two, I give three
Because I love you

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ich fahre schnell nach Nirgendwo
Irgenwann komme ich zurück
Alles ich sehe in Nirgendwo
Las ich einmal, in einem Buch

English Translation

I’m travelling fast to Nowhere
Eventually I’m coming back
Everything I see in Nowhere
I read once, in a book

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sad Kid II

Misplaced hatred, outdated vendettas 
They won’t leave, they’re his leech 
Unseen by others but out of his own reach 
Hooded sweaters do little; he begged to replace it 
But he’d rather be dead than change faces on a daily basis 
The anger is baseless, and bottomless 
His foundation is brittle bitterness 
For hours he’d sit 
Stuck in middle, muddy and riddled with regret 
He’s waited too long to forgive and forget 
Patiently waiting got him nowhere 
His fate was in the hands of another 
So he snatched it back, 
Laughed as he wracked his brain, 
Everything else had been in vain 
Now breaking rules doesn’t warrant an explanation  

Monday, January 21, 2013

From The City Of Siren Lullabies

He’s from the city of
siren lullabies; on the other side,
where signs start to
point the other way.
There, alleyways are the
best places to hide
or to dip out
of a place you weren’t invited,
or to accidentally sleep there
for the night, a few times.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

1000 pageviews....


I Would Argue for Art

I would argue for art
testify for Michelangelo because,
I’ve visited his Sistine Chapel masterpiece
By the oath I’ve taken, it was indeed
of unparalleled magnificence,
clearly fashioned by the epitome
of artistic brilliance
I will submit for history’s court;
I witnessed splendor

But I would contend any question
of Shakespeare’s cross;
enraged, on the verge of contempt,
but clarified I would stand from the chair
and declare beyond reasonable doubt,
having born witness on many occasions
to his (and their) Greatness,
that words will never flake or chip,
and their legacy is branded in this very court